GGA0127 2

Churchyard Flowers

Gezelle's pupil Eduard van den Bussche died on May 3rd, 1858. Gezelle wrote a lyrical report of the funeral ceremony, privately published for family and friends. It has an interesting mixture of poetry and prose fragments. From 1860 onwards, the collection was reprinted numerous times under the title Kerkhofblommen. Each time, it was expanded with new funeral poems he had written for other people in the meantime.

Guido Gezelle
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Guido Gezelle
GGA040903 21


Kerkhofbloemen (Churchyard Flowers). Roeselare: Stock-Werbrouck, 1858. From the second edition onwards: Kerkhofblommen. (Churchyard Flowers) Roeselare: D. Goethals-Priem, 1860 ; Gent (Ghent): S. Leliaert, A. Siffer, 1888 ; Roeselare: J. De Meester, 1892 en 1900.

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