GGA9084 F

Last Poems

A lot of poems published by Gezelle in independent prints or in magazines were not included in his poetry collections. After his death, he left behind many unpublished poems, including well-known poetry such as ‘t Er viel ‘ne keer. They were collected and published posthumously.

Guido Gezelle
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Guido Gezelle
GGA040903 12

Posthumous Poetry

Laatste verzen (Last Poems). Antwerpen-Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Boekhandel-L.J. Veen, 1901.

De ring van ’t kerkelijk jaar (The Cycle of the Ecclesiastical Year), Roeselare, J. De Meester, 1908.

Verzameld dichtwerk (Collected Poems)., (ed.) Jozef Boets, a.o.. Antwerpen: De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1980-1991 (8 dln.)

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