Letters are private and intimate documents and also his poetry reveals a sensitive Gezelle. In collaboration with Ghent University we are developing a new project in which volunteers will identify emotions in Gezelle's correspondence and poems.
We are currently involved in an interesting research project in collaboration with the LT3 (Language and Translation Technology Team) research team of Ghent University. The project focuses on automatic sentiment and emotion detection in historical egodocuments. Within this project, volunteers from the Guido Gezelle Archives will assign sentiment (positive, negative and neutral) and emotion labels (e.g. anger, fear, love) to historical poetry and letter fragments for the purpose of training a machine learning system. LT3 has a strong research expertise in automatic sentiment and emotion detection in contemporary texts and social media posts. The important 19th-century Gezelle corpus will therefore be a valuable use case for testing existing systems and developing sentiment and emotion classifiers for historical texts.