How does one introduce a 19th century poet in art education? Gezelle's poems and the authentic materials from the Gezelle archives inspired art students to create new works of art. Along the way they refreshed their acquaintance with a poet belonging to the literary canon. Guided by their teachers, adults, young people and children modernized Gezelle in a creative way.
We launched a call at the Bruges Academy of Fine Arts:
Cut-up letters, old photo albums, playful poems and a cast of Gezelle's brain. These are just a few of the Gezelle treasures we keep in the archives. Are you interested in creating new art with your students based on Gezelle's poems or the documents of the Gezelle archives? Get inspired and make Gezelle up-to-date again. The artworks will be on display at Bruges Public Library when we launch our new Gezelle website.
Teachers and students of the Bruges Academy of Fine Arts came in small groups to explore the Guido Gezelle archives. They were introduced to various materials.