Desiderius Meersseman

Geluveld 27.02.1828 - Moorsele 12.01.1902

Desiderius Meersseman was the son of Clement Meersseman, baker, and Regina Liefooghe. He took holy orders in Bruges on May 21st, 1853. From that day till March 26th, 1875 he was a teacher at the College of Saint Louis in Bruges. Thereafter he was a parish priest in Woumen (26.03.1875) and Moorsele (20.09.1882).
He gave a lecture at the sixth Linguistics and Literature Congress (‘s-Hertogenbosch). He published a number of speeches including two of them that he gave at the Guild of Saint-Lutgard in 1874 and 1876. He contributed to the Gezelle's magazines Rond den Heerd (By the Fireside) and Biekorf (Beehive). He also published on the flemishification of chemical terminology.
  • GGA 9432 F
  • GGA 5919r
  • GGA 5919v

Online Edition of the Gezelle Letters

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Read the letters of Desiderius Meersseman
GGA 6336r

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