Hendrik Rommel, son of Ivo Rommel, clockmaker and alderman in Rumbeke, and Carolina Bossaert, studied at the minor seminar in Roeselare, graduating in 1867. He was ordained priest in Bruges on December 23rd, 1871. He continued his studies at the university in Leuven. In October 1873 he was hired as a private teacher by the family Van Caloen and in September 1874 he started teaching at the College of Saint Louis in Bruges.
In September 1883 he was appointed principal of the College of Saint Louis. He was involved with the establishment of the college chapel and also had a new study hall constructed. He regularly asked Gezelle for poems on the occasion of festivities at the college. He contributed to Gezelle's magazines Rond den Heerd (By the Fireside) and Biekorf (Beehive). On March 14th, 1892 he became honorary canon of the Bruges cathedral. He was a board member and chairman of the city of Bruges’ municipal Library Committee. On September 26th, 1896 he was appointed diocesan inspector of the episcopal colleges. He also established the “revue pratique de l’enseignement” (practical education magazine) for the schools in the diocese of Bruges (1896). He was granted the title doctor honoris causa by the university of Leuven and became titular canon of the Bruges cathedral (26.03.1908).
Online Edition of the Gezelle Letters
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