August Declerc

Nieuwpoort 19.09.1831 - Manchester 30.12.1889

August Declerc, son of Engelbertus Declerc and Dimphna Van Cuyck, was a laureate at the minor seminar in Roeselare in 1851. He went to the major seminary from 1852 till 1856 and was ordained priest on May 17th, 1856. He left for England as a missionary on January 20th or 29th, 1857 to become curate at the Saint Johns Cathedral in Salford. There he founded the episcopal college on December 6th or 8th, 1862. He became diocesan chancellor (1872) and president of the Salford Catholic Grammar School. In 1880 he became chamberlain of Pope Leo XIII and in 1887 canon-theologian of the Salford diocese. He resided in Salford together with Pieter Benoit and Bruno Desplenter.

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